hot potato


hot potato 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Informal. a situation or issue that is difficult, unpleasant, or risky to deal with.
  2. British Informal. a baked potato.

hot potato 近义词

hot potato

等同于 cause celebre

hot potato

等同于 cause célèbre

hot potato

等同于 imperilment

hot potato

等同于 crisis

hot potato

等同于 danger

hot potato

等同于 hazard

更多hot potato例句

  1. Senior officials in Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's government see the consulate issue as a political hot potato that could destabilize their unwieldy coalition.
  2. However, the site has been a political hot potato, with support for it swaying in response to local opposition and state and federal leadership.
  3. Gay marriage was the hot-button fight on the left and right.
  4. Everybody is trapped in an elevator together and tempers run a little hot.
  5. Even the hot Jewish women I mentioned above did something a bit more “intellectual” than pageantry: acting.
  6. There was deep brown flesh, and bronze flesh, and pallid white flesh, and flesh turned red from the hot sun.
  7. Many Jewish women have been accepted as conventional, mainstream hot.
  8. In the drawing-room things went on much as they always do in country drawing-rooms in the hot weather.
  9. The Potato is planted very sparingly south of Piedmont, and not so commonly there as in Savoy.
  10. “You appear to feel it so,” rejoined Mr. Pickwick, smiling at the clerk, who was literally red-hot.
  11. Nearly half the regiment ran to secure their picketed horses, armed themselves in hot haste, and galloped to the gaol.
  12. News came that the rebels were plundering the British quarters, and the infantry went there in hot haste.